Nina Martin (Nathalia Ramos) is an American girl attending a British boarding school. Unbeknownst to her, she is replacing longtime student Joy (Klariza Clayton), who seems to just disappear after Nina arrives. Joy's best friend Patricia (Jade Ramsey) believes that Nina is at fault for Joy's disappearance...but Nina seems to know nothing about it. Nina finds an elderly lady wandering around the premises of her dorm who seems to believe that sinister things are going on around there. At first, Nina just thinks the lady has lost her mind...but, when strange events start to happen, it seems that her old friend may have been right! The adventure starts here.
Also starring Mina Anwar (The Thin Blue Line).
The Good
This series definitely has a very gripping plot! The cliffhangers at the end of every episode leave you waiting breathlessly for the next installment; when I started watching this last week, I watched four episodes in one day, including the double-length series premiere. Also, all of the actors--young and old--do a great job. The sets are convincing as well, and there is a decided sense of menace, which helps keep it interesting.
The Bad
Though this may be rated "TV-G", the scariness could be too much for some young kids, so be warned. Also, at the risk of giving the plot away, the conspiracy seems to involve supernatural powers and Egyptian gods, which may offend some people. One other thing of note: I know this is a British production, and that they have looser standards than we do in the US, but...did they really need to make the girls in this series wear such short skirts or shorts?
Most people think of crazy cartoons or tween sitcoms when they think of Nickelodeon; though still youth-oriented, this is different than anything the network had ever shown previously. I had watched the show here and there when it first came on, and even saw the finale, but, since I didn't watch every episode, parts of it didn't make sense. Some time later, while perusing the iTunes Store on Christmas Day 2011, I found the entire first season--not just this volume, but the two others that make up the first season as it aired on TV--for free; why they did that, I had no idea, but, you bet I pounced on it. I'm just getting around to watching it now, and am really enjoying it. If you've never seen this show should check it out!
Score: 4.5/5
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