The Power Rangers seek out the third jewel...but, their various enemies are against them every step of the way! To find the precious gem, they'll need help from their newest member: Tyzonn, the Mercury Ranger. Even with his help and new Zords and weaponry, the Rangers are in for their biggest fights yet! Will they emerge victorious, or will this be the end of them once and for all?
The Good
The wonderful action sequences, good moral lessons, and great acting that were present in the earlier volumes continue here. Also, the ending--which I won't give away--gives our heroes a more realistic, less perfect profile. As expected, a lack of profanity, sexual content, and drug use made things more enjoyable. Tyzonn is a likable character, and a welcome addition to the series.
The Bad
Some moments are just plain dumb, such as having a scene where the Rangers' butler pretends to be one of the female Rangers with just a face mask; seriously, the guy has a British accent, so how would he portray an American young lady? Though not as bad as in the original Mighty Morphin series, there are scenes with cheesy special effects. Probably the worst of it was when a Ranger defeated a monster by going inside him and then becoming large; it's not graphic, but still a bit disgusting.
If you liked the previous volumes, you'll like this one...but, you already knew that, right? Fans of the series so far will know what to expect from this third outing...and that's just what they'll get. The ending makes things interesting; even though the finale of this season will obviously only end one way, this third volume's last chapter has my interest piqued. You may feel differently...but, you'll only know if you watch it.
Score: 4/5
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