Synopsis: After the death of his brother in a school shooting, high school student Aaron Chase gets a fresh start at a new school. Inspired by his late sibling's faith, he decides to start a Bible study group at his school, which leads to opposition from the faculty, who become even more irate when he decides to help the drama club put on a play based on stories from the Bible. It seems that Aaron is facing an insurmountable challenge; will he be able to proclaim his faith in the halls of his public school?
Also starring Erik Estrada (CHiPs).
The Good: Not since the last God's Not Dead film have I seen a movie that illustrates the debate over the Christian faith as well as this. Even though the law is on their side, Christian students often face opposition from the faculty, who don't want them to express their faith. Aaron is a likable hero, and the friends he makes in the drama club become more likable as the movie goes on. It's a treat to see screen legend Erik Estrada in this, though it's surprising to see him play something other than a police officer. All in all, this was enjoyable, except...
The Bad: I would have liked to have seen more of the play they put on; all we see is one musical number, then, the credits roll. Also, the closed captioning is really messed up; then again, that tends to happen with a lot of Christian films.
Conclusion: What is the true meaning of separation of church and state? Not what some people would lead us to believe, as this movie illustrates very well. Fans of movies such as the God's Not Dead series will likely enjoy this; I know I did. This film challenges its viewers to live out and express their faith in the face of opposition; we need more movies that do that. Are you listening, Christian cinema people?
Score: 4/5
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