Synopsis: After the death of their friend Chris, these friends will never be the same. Jeremy (David A.R. White) is torn between his current girlfriend and his old flame. Gary (John Schneider, Smallville) isn't sure what to make of this whole Jesus thing. Rhonda is a mother-to-be who can't stop condemning the sins of everyone else. When all of them end up staying in the same house, everything changes. Will it be for the better...or the worse?
Also starring Reginald VelJohnson (Family Matters).
The Good: Pure Flix's movies are usually a delight, and this one is no exception. This film portrays Christians as the flawed people they really are, and shows that even those of the Way have a lot to learn. I know many people--myself included--could glean a lot of wisdom from the character of Rhonda. While past sins are uncovered, they're vilified for just what they are. An appearance by CCM band Building 429 and artist Rachael Lampa are a plus.
The Bad: The wardrobe is a bit immodest; supposedly Christian female characters wear tops that are low-cut, albeit slightly. Also, the closed captions, which have plagued many a film by this studio, are too small and poorly done.
Conclusion: Pure Flix has given Christian cinema a serious jolt; their movies attract mainstream talent, and (almost) never suffer from the poor production values that have negatively affected many films in the genre, such as the dreadful C Me Dance. While some cinephiles may not care for such flicks, as a longtime lover of morally decent entertainment, I find their productions to be wonderful. After seeing this, I'm excited to see their interpretation of the story of Samson from the book of Judges; it should be amazing!
Score: 4.5/5
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