Synopsis: Carrie (Lindy Booth, The Librarians) is focused on her job--event-planning--and her job only. All of that changes when a car accident leads to her appearing in purgatory. An angel sends her on a mission: Help a failing restaurant owner turn his business around...and help him rediscover Christmas as well. She is given until Christmas Eve to do so...but, she soon falls for the single guy and his adorable daughter, Abby. Carrie doesn't want to leave them so soon, but, it seems that she has no choice but to enter the afterlife once Yule comes around. Will the family make it without her?
The Good: Hallmark Channel movies are usually good, clean fun, and this one is no exception. It serves as a parable of what's truly important in life, and how we often lose sight of it. The content is so clean, I doubt this would have gotten anything other than "G" from the MPAA: as sexual as it gets is kissing; no violence (the accident is implied); no profanity (at least, not the kind they would care about; more on that later); and, no drug content, aside from adults occasionally drinking alcoholic beverages. All in all, great viewing, except...
The Bad: It's unfortunate that six or so misuses of God's name made it into this film, especially since as profane as it gets otherwise is "butt". Also, some may be bothered that the theology of angels is skewed, but, when does secular Hollywood ever get that right?
Conclusion: After having a blast with the first season of The Librarians two months ago, I came across this movie while shelving, and figured it would be right up my alley...and, it was. Fans of sweet holiday telefilms will have a blast with this...but, you already knew that, right?
Score: 4.5/5
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