Synopsis: Camelot is a city from old legends, but its Tennessean namesake is a rural town that happens to be struggling financially. Steve, the mayor of the small town, teams up with Amy to work on staging a production of the musical Camelot, with the city's denizens as the cast. However, it's going to take a lot of work to get both the actors and the city ready for a performance that Steve and Amy both hope will attract nationwide attention, and things get really interesting when there seems to be some romantic connections going on...
Review: Ever since I read her romantic comedy trilogy Weddings By Bella, Janice Hanna (aka Janice Thompson) has been one of my favorite authors. Her light-hearted, cute, sweet romances have proved to be a wonderful break from intense historical dramas and intergalactic wars. Though this isn't her best--the ending leaves a little to be desired--Mrs. Thompson has nonetheless delivered once again. Anyone who has read and enjoyed other Janice Hanna/Janice Thompson works should definitely check this one out; it's a vast improvement over the first Love Finds You... novel I read, which was by a different author. Even fans of sweet, cute, and innocent romances won't be disappointed by Love Finds You in Camelot, Tennessee.
Score: 4.25/5
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