Synopsis: Frank and Faye Riley are an elderly couple; Faye's Alzheimer's leads her to believe that she sees her son everywhere, even though he died in a car crash years ago. Marisa Esteval is a young lady who is expecting...and unwed. They, and others, live in a building that is on the verge of being destroyed. It seems that only a miracle can save them and their dwelling now...but the kind of miracle they get is something that no one would ever expect or even believe. Based on a Steven Spielberg film.
Review: This was a weird one. I've never seen the movie this book is based on, but I'm not sure I would want to do that now. Though I love a good science-fiction/fantasy yarn, this doesn't seem to have one; it almost seems like the movie was sheer spectacle, just like Michael Bay's Transformers flicks supposedly are. Those who are fanatical about the movie *batteries not included (sic) would probably enjoy this, but everyone else should just skip it.
Content Concerns: Contains about ten or fifteen profanities, some violent scenes, discussion of an unmarried woman being pregnant, and a scene with an alien being nearly dying.
Score: 1.75/5
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