Synopsis: Robin Good (Larry the Cucumber) lives in the medieval town of Bethlingham, where he and his "merry men" try to raise money for the poor of the city. When Robin witnesses a ham being stolen by the sheriff of the town by the prince's orders, he decides to do something about it...only for his friends to abandon him. Will Robin be able to save Bethlingham from the clutches of the evil prince? Also, in a bonus story, Lenny (Junior Asparagus) is excited because it's his birthday...but, nobody seems to realize it's his special day. How could they forget something that important?
The Good: What Big Idea has done well in the past, they continue to excel at here. Amazing animation; fabulous values; fun humor...this is exactly what I've come to love about this franchise. Though kids are the target audience, the moral here is one that adults should take to heart as well.
The Bad: Nothing, really.
Conclusion: I've been watching VeggieTales episodes since I was in middle school; I've had a blast with many of them, especially Jonah. This is another hit for Big Idea; I've sat through some sorry movies lately, but, this isn't one of them. Fans of Bob, Larry, and friends should check this out if they haven't already.
Score: 4.5/5
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