Synopsis: MacLarry lives in a Scottish village with all the Barber-barians...but, he isn't like any of them. They're all excellent pranksters, and use their skills to annoy the neighboring nation of Rome...whereas MacLarry dreams of being an inventor, like his hero Archiemedes. When things go wrong in his town, MacLarry leaves town for Greece...only to be caught by Romans, who concoct a dastardly plan that will use MacLarry's skills. Will the inventing cucumber be able to save the day, or is his village doomed? Meanwhile, Larry and friends sing a Silly Song about Scotland...and other places around the world!
The Good: VeggieTales is usually good fun, and this episode is no exception. With excellent animation, a great story, a wonderful moral, and good music, this is another hit from Big Idea. Even though kids are the target audience, this one has a message that many adults need to hear as well.
The Bad: As good as this is, I've seen better from Big Idea; as many films as they've made, it's tough to top some of them; still, though this was great, it could have been a bit better.
Conclusion: Ever since my brother-in-law showed me The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown in 2001, I've been a fan of Bob, Larry, and friends. I've had a blast with Big Idea's various productions, especially Jonah. While there have been a few missteps from the studio--and, hey, nobody is perfect!--most of the time, their creations are well-made, thought-provoking, and all-around was this one. Veggie fans who haven't seen this yet should.
Score: 4.5/5
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