Synopsis: In this second volume of the Caped Crusader's animated adventures, Gotham has gotten even crazier! Between Batman's usual villains--The Joker, the Penguin, etc.--new bad guys pop up all the time! With the help of his butler, Alfred, and his occasional sidekick, Robin, Batman will do everything in his power to save the day and put the criminals in jail...but, will even his strength, intelligence, and technology be enough?
Based on characters and stories from DC Comics.
The Good: Wow; where to start? The stories in this volume are fabulous; each one kept me gripped until the end! I adored the animation; it's much better than what you get in today's weird-looking 'toons. All of the voice work is spot-on, especially Mark Hamill (Star Wars) as the Joker. It's easy to see why this series is fondly remembered by those who watched it back in the day.
The Bad: The only complaint I really have is that God's name is misused a few too many times. There's no other profanity; somehow, secular epithets weren't allowed, but blasphemous ones were. Some discerning viewers may take issue with that.
Conclusion: Language issues aside, this second volume of the Dark Knight's adventures was a blast! I wish I had the next installment on hand; after this, I want more! Superhero fans who haven't seen this yet should definitely give it a try!
Score: 4.5/5
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