Synopsis: High school student Peter Parker has a big secret: he's Spider-Man! He can't risk telling anyone, even his best friend or his guardian, Aunt May. Constantly bullied at school for being a science geek, Peter has a crush on Liz, a popular girl, but can't tell her about his alter ego. While thwarting a bank robbery, Peter discovers the bandits using what seems to be alien technology. Where are they getting it, and how? When he unearths the villains' dastardly plans, he knows he must do everything in his power to stop them...but, will his arachnid powers be enough?
The Good: It's good to see a Spider-Man film that charts new territory. No Uncle Ben murder scene; the spider bite is only discussed, not shown; and, Aunt May is much younger and more attractive. It's also great to see an ethnically diverse cast, especially Disney Channel star Zendaya (Shake It Up). The action sequences were spot-on.
The Bad: If only the makers hadn't felt the need to add too much unnecessary content to the mix. Profanities, especially the h-word, d-word, and misuses of God's name pop up far too many times; as if that wasn't enough, the last line before the end credits features an unfinished f-word. Turning Peter Parker's name into a crude joke was also disturbing. This is definitely not for young children.
Conclusion: One of the things I've always liked about superhero films is that they usually keep it clean. Sure, there's violence, but, there's not much of the profanity, sex, and other crudity that plagues "PG-13" films of other genres. However, this movie doesn't do that; the amount of expletives and obscene jokes are completely over the top. If they make a sequel, I hope they lighten up in that department.
Score: 2/5
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