Synopsis: David A.R. White, Tommy Blaze, and Brad Stine. You've probably heard of them before, but do you know their stories? In this live stand-up performance, watch as Mr. White tells of finding his way in Hollywood, Mr. Blaze recalls a divorce that was providentially hindered, and Mr. Stine shares his Jonah moment.
A live recording. From Pure Flix, the studio behind Jerusalem Countdown, The Book of Daniel, and the God's Not Dead movies.
The Good: The stories contained withing this live recording are very touching. Funny at times, heartbreaking at others, this one will definitely touch your soul! All of the performers are entertaining, and it features great use of the old song "Run On for a Long Time".
The Bad: As good as this is, I do have some complaints. The biggest one is that Mr. Blaze uses the term "pi--y" twice, which will likely make some discerning viewers uncomfortable. Occasional mild crude humor is present as well. There's a scene where a phone rings, but the woman holding it looks like some sort of Goth girl, which was just weird. Also, deaf or hard-of-hearing viewers, take note: The closed captions don't match up at all, and the subtitles have some weird errors, such as saying "&j" instead of a musical note.
Conclusion: I'm a longtime fan of Christian comedy; I grew up hearing performances by Mark Lowry and Dennis Swanberg. Unfortunately, sometimes, entries in that genre veer into crude territory, which was the case with Thou Shalt Laugh 3. (If you think it's okay for Christian comedy to be that way, I suggest you read Ephesians 5:4.) While this wasn't as dirty as that, it had some moments that I think some Christians, especially older folks, may find uncomfortable. So, you'll probably want to screen this before showing it at a church movie night or to your parents or grandparents. It's a shame, because these stories need to be heard.
Score: 3/5
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