Synopsis: There's an undersea monster that has been taking the lives of sailors, and nobody can catch it! What could it be? It's soon discovered that the "monster" is actually a submarine, captained by a man named Nemo, who uses his submersible to isolate himself from society. Professor Aronnax, his assistant, Conseil, and their cocky harpooner, Ned, believe Captain Nemo to be crazy, and try to escape...only to put the ship and its entire crew in danger. Will the professor and his associates be able to safely emerge from the clutches of the insane Captain Nemo?
Based on the book by Jules Verne.
The Good: This is the old-school kind of adventure they don't make anymore. Not only is it clean-cut and exciting, but there's nary a female character in sight. (While I don't mind a character of the fairer sex, I do mind when she becomes a Mary Sue, and starts outdoing all the males in everything, which happens far too often in modern entertainment.) While this film may be quite old, it stands the test of time quite well. It's easy to see why this continues to be revered, several decades after its release.
The Bad: The violence wasn't graphic or bloody, but some may find there to be a bit too much here, especially for a "G" film. Also, the scenes involving smoking or drinking were rather disturbing, especially when they get their pet seal to join in.
Conclusion: Believe it or not, I haven't read the original Jules Verne novel. (I know; what kind of bibliophile am I?) Still, I enjoyed this throwback to a time when films were meant to be enjoyed, not brooding with hidden meanings. If you're a fan of Disney's live-action productions, you should check this out.
Score: 4.5/5
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